
I’m changing my update schedule. Here’s why.

I was sent this by a good friend of mine (name withheld till I know it’s cool with her to mention it) and it got me thinking a couple things:

One: Ha! Perhaps I’m in the wrong genre and I should start churning out massive amounts of erotica. That’ll be interesting to explain to my mother now and my kid later. XD

Two: Since I have so many ideas in my head and I want my site to be a success, I want to make sure it’s the best stuff possible. No more discovering typos after the fact. Well, that’s probably gonna happen anyway but lest often now. XD I want the updates to be longer ad more detailed so I’m changing the updates to every other week unless I get pretty darn ambitious. I want the site to be as professional as a snarky bitch like me can get it. Do I need to be as popular as Zane ever? Not particularly. Couldn’t hurt. 😉 But let’s not count chickens, yes?

I’ll do a better job of keeping this journal updated as well. But for now, I’m off to write! Latahz!

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