So much for goal

I really need to stop thinking that having a day off will allow me to get more writing done. 9_9 If anything, the reverse is true. If I’m at Dayjob, I’m able to write on my breaks. If I’m at home, there are no breaks. In fact, the moment I decide to pick up a pen because Monkey-girl has her attentions elsewhere, Mommy is suddenly a hot commodity and life cannot go on without my complete and utter attention to what she’s doing. Sweet? Of course. But not writer friendly.

So, it’s back to the tried and true method of cramming as many words as possible in between her bedtime and mine. I’ll still be taking my goal down to 500 a day so I feel less horrid about myself. 9_9

On the upside, me and the child have never been closer. šŸ˜‰ That may not get Greenhouse done as fast as I’d like, but a better goal in the long run. ^_^

2 thoughts on “So much for goal

  1. I have to squeeze all of my writing time in to a few sleepy hours at the beginning and end of the day where my brain can’t function well enough to live up to my standards. :-/ I feel your pain.

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