Advice of the day and Super Shortie Saturday

I LOVE Jeff Somers’ books. I got lucky enough to meet him quite by chance at NY Comic Con last year when I had no clue what he looked like. The exchange went something like this:

Me (with fangirlish glee): YOU wrote The Electric Church!!
Mr. Somers (in fear and quite ready to flee from me): Yeeesss…
Me: I LOVE that book!!
Mr. Somers (in very obvious relief): Oh, thank you. That’s great! Here, let me sign that copy for you.

And he did.

This is relevant because I wanted to share this video when Mr. Somers responds to an question about his writing process (which is a question I am often asked and think he has the best response):

I really enjoy what he says about word counts and having the best intentions for the day. I’m not giving up on my word goals but I’m not going to be as hard on myself if I don’t quite make it. But I’m sticking to my guns about cheap RED wine and not cheap white wine. White wine feels like nail polish remover on my tongue.

No, I have not deliberately tasted nail polish remover. I just stupidly put my finger near my mouth after cleaning off my nails.

Now, I’m not sure who’s luckier: Him, who get’s to write all day, or me, who get’s to see all these awesome books coming into the library all day and write whenever there’s a quiet moment to be had… I think I have to say me cause my job sends me to conventions and expos where I get advance copies of certain crazy author’s books. XD

For this week’s shortie? A snippet from the Dreamhunter sequel, Greenhouse:

Raquel smiled. "You don’t know what love feels like, huh?"
"Right to the point as always." Darjeeling grumbled, her cheeks turning the red that was once her hair.
"It’s warm." Raquel held her friend’s chin in one hand while applying muddy gel to Darjeeling’s eyebrows with the other. "You feel an overwhelming warmth when you look at them. You start to see them as brand new again, like they’re a fabulous stranger. If you don’t see them, it shocks you to your core." She smirked at Darjeeling’s bewildered expression." Sound familiar?"

Now, I’m off to do whatever I can while I’m at Dayjob. Tomorrow is Get New Shoes For Monkeygirl and Work On Website day. This clueless author finally figured out what was wrong with the root directory that was making the old page come up instead of the new one. Lookit me, lernin shit.

5 thoughts on “Advice of the day and Super Shortie Saturday

  1. Just catching up with your journal. ^_^ And wishing I had hi-speed. 😛
    I gotta say, I have the exact opposite opinion on wines. I can’t drink red if you paid me. >_<

  2. I like the ones with a fruity finish (listen to me, pretending I know from wine). Some are so damn bitter, I nearly choke on them.
    Better than me drinking beer, though. 😉

  3. you only feel that way because you’ve had SHIT whites!! Let me change your mind!! 🙂 a good white wine on a summer day is a beautiful thing.

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