Ahh, Wednesday

Wednesdays are my usual late nights where I work at the library from 1-9pm, leaving the mornings to get various errands done or simply gird my loins for the long night. This week was a trip to the pediatrician to have the doc take a look at my coughing, runny nosed kid. We get to the office and don’t have to wait long, which is good because me and Penny have a similar attention span only a different taste in toys, and all the doctor has to do is LOOK at her and she starts screaming her head off. 0.0

My monkeygirl was warned ahead of time that there would be no shots this visit, that since she was sick, we were going to the doctor to make her better. She understood and was glad she was going. But once he was in front of her, we had to hold her down just so he could check her throat. You’d think we were torturing her the way she screamed!

On the upside? No strep throat.

The doctor sent me home with instructions to get her Dimatapp which said expressly on the label not to give to any kid under 6. I decided not to take the chance, given the HUGE Tylenol recall, and opted for a medicine for kids 2 and up. After the Tylenol thing, I just don’t trust over the counter medications for my kid. Me? I’m old. I can take the punishment. There’s still hope for my monkeygirl, so I’m not taking the chance.

I’ve been writing pretty steadily and reading here and there. I’m almost done with "American Woman in the Chinese Hat" which is sad but very good. I also finished a short story; "Chasing His Own Tale" by Marc Vun Kannon. It’s a really cute story which I will review in full tomorrow (since I don’t have it in front of me now). I met him on Twitter. W00t to social networking!! 😀 It’d be cool if he read my stuff, too, but I’m not gonna hassle him. No sense being a whiner about it, ya know?

These days, I’ve been working alternately on "Go Away Girls" and "Greenhouse." See that hotlink there? First chapter of "Girls" went up on Sunday. Go. Read. Discuss. Then eat a cookie. 🙂

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