All done!! >D

I declare the short story experiment over!!! And the final tally is: *drumroll*

1 story ready to be all typed up.
2 stories very close to being done
3 somewhere in the middle
2 in the concept stage

I consider this a victory because I spent the whole month working on whatever the hell I wanted with no pressure. No "I need to finish this novel because if I don’t log some words in, I’ll feel guilty." Nope. I got an idea, I started writing it. It was very freeing. I felt more like a creative creature than a chick with (another) job to do.

On that note, I will need to tackle the enormous task of typing up all this stuff so it’s uploaded to my site which hasn’t been updated in… A long time. >_<

And this made me so sad. I’ll really miss Leslie Nielsen. He was an awesome actor.

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