I am FINALLY well enough to be upright and working again without the aid of Dayquil. I didn’t like the way Dayquil made me feel so I just stayed home one more day (yesterday) and slept till I felt better. The antibiotics make me a little dizzy but since I don’t drive, I can deal with that.

This also means I have a weeks worth of writing to catch up on. I did try to write while I was sick only to go cross-eyed and feel like I was going to vomit. And that’s only if my hand would stop shaking long enough to put pen to paper in the first place. 9_9 But there’s nothing stopping me now and I owe you all an update!

Library story of the day: There was a wayward zombie DVD up at the circulation desk that obviously didn’t belong to us and nobody could tell who it was reserved for. So naturally, they assume it belonged to me. It didn’t. But whatever reputation I seem to have at my job, I like it. XD

That’s all I have for today, kids. Stay well!

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