Current events – My Enduring Apathy

I don’t care about Weiner’s weiner. There. Dick joke completed.

Seriously here, I have nothing to do with that penis so I am very sick of hearing about it. The only penis I care about is the one I come in direct contact with – The one I married. THAT one has real consequences and I SHOULD know where it’s been and what (or who) it’s doing.

Should a man be responsible for his penis? Yes. It should be kept clean and only shared with those who ask. You should protect it with a jacket in harsh environments. But I no more care about Weiner’s penis than the nice young man who helped me at Starbucks or the guy who comes into the library and reads nothing but The Post (for the lulz, you see).

So, remember media: The dick jokes will get old and there is a little matter of people losing their jobs and becoming homeless and shit. Why not talk about that for awhile?

… Now I have "Every Sperm Is Sacred" stuck in my head… Damnit… XD

12 thoughts on “Current events – My Enduring Apathy

  1. I really wish LJ had a ‘like’ button. I agree with everything you said here. The last thing I care about is a politician’s penis or where it’s been. I believe a politician’s love life is no more my business than say Lady Gaga’s. What they do in the privacy of their own bedroom is their business and I don’t wish to hear about it, kthx.

  2. I really wish LJ had a ‘like’ button. I agree with everything you said here. The last thing I care about is a politician’s penis or where it’s been. I believe a politician’s love life is no more my business than say Lady Gaga’s. What they do in the privacy of their own bedroom is their business and I don’t wish to hear about it, kthx.

  3. I really wish LJ had a ‘like’ button. I agree with everything you said here. The last thing I care about is a politician’s penis or where it’s been. I believe a politician’s love life is no more my business than say Lady Gaga’s. What they do in the privacy of their own bedroom is their business and I don’t wish to hear about it, kthx.

  4. I really wish LJ had a ‘like’ button. I agree with everything you said here. The last thing I care about is a politician’s penis or where it’s been. I believe a politician’s love life is no more my business than say Lady Gaga’s. What they do in the privacy of their own bedroom is their business and I don’t wish to hear about it, kthx.

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