Pagan Blog Project – “F” for “Fire”

Seeing as how I recently burned myself, I have a new respect for flames. >_<

The story goes as follows: While boiling pasta for dinner, one hand slipped from the handle on the pot and scalding hot water spills on my thigh. Let me tell you, I have never taken my pants off so fast in my life.

Nearly a week later, now that the blisters have popped and the skin is healing, I have seen the why and the lesson fire had for me; pay attention. Life is here. Life is NOW. And if you aren’t looking, life will be gone. Or you will spill boiling hot water on your leg. :p You have to be present in every moment and celebrate it.

The burn was like a shock to my system. Despite the bandages and ointment and pain, I’m doing the things I enjoy with no excuses and having more fun with my family. In part, it’s guilt from scaring the begeezuz out of them (I screamed. Loud.) but my passion for life is back.

But my message to the universe is simply this: Less painful lessons next time. >D

2 thoughts on “Pagan Blog Project – “F” for “Fire”

  1. I’ve noticed with the universe – if She doesn’t think you’re paying attention the first time, She tends to get your attention with a figurative 2 X 4 across the back of the head, or boiling pot of water.

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