Sandy Library Losses…

So, we finally got to the stage where we are all doing inventory to see what was lost and what remains of our collection. I completed the inventory of my graphic novels on Monday and it was pretty depressing. We lost entire series’ of comics and the dvd’s along with them (I shelve the TV series and moves with the comics they’re based on for easy finding). The worst was not being able to replace the out of print ones.

Luckily, things like The Walking Dead series (which we lost a decent chunk of) were really easy to replace since they’re so popular right now. But some Green Lantern, Zatana, and Gunsmith Cats are out of print. 🙁 And Kick Ass volume 1? Really, Marvel? With volume 2 , a Hit-Girl prequel AND a second movie in the works, there’s just  no excuse for that. Start printing more of volume one PRONTO!

All in all, considering some libraries were completely wiped out, we were lucky to only lose about 15% of our collection on the first floor. Re-ordering has been a strange, eye-burny trip of reams of paper and way too much time staring at a computer screen. But, by the time we open, we should have most of the materials back on the shelf.

It’ll be good to see people in here again. I’m almost excited to open. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Sandy Library Losses…

  1. Sorry to hear that, but as you say, considering some libraries were completely wiped out, then you can consider yourself lucky.

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