Indie Gift Box -The Librarian

I got a random email in my inbox that I didn’t delete on reflex because it offered a librarian themed Indie Gift Box. Since it’s just one box I figures why the heck not. Lessie what they’ve got.

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I’m pretty pleased with it. 🙂 I like that the bracelets aren’t bulky, which is great for using the computer all day. The lip balm is always welcome, and I think that bookmark is now my new motto. I need a little case for the handkerchief (for glasses wiping of course), and I am beyond thrilled with the earrings. They are too adorable for words. They remind me of broaches my grandmother used to wear.

If there’s ever another themed box that particularly strikes my fancy, I may nab it since this one was so cool. But not too often as I’m trying to cut down on my random monthly boxes. But this librarian gives her stamp of approval on this one.

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