Lenni Reviews: “One Saved to the Sea” by Catt Kingsgrave

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*This book is rated for 18+

Mairead is the keeper of the lighthouse now that her father has gone mad, her brothers are away at war, and her mother is gone. She has always watched the selkie dance on the shores even as a child but one night, Mairead catches the town idiot trying to steal a selkie’s skin. If you steal a selkie’s skin and hide it, you can keep the woman as your wife. Mairead is determined to keep the magnificent creatures safe.

At it’s core, this is a F/F romance with a fairy tale twist. It is quite steamy but lyrical and other-worldly. It was a quick read with Mairead being the oddball of her community searching for some direction in her life. For as short as it was, I did enjoy it. If you need a bit of saucy whimsy in your LGBT fiction, you could do a lot worse. 3.7 out of 5.

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