Lenni Reviews: “Better with Bacon” by Matthew Lang

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*This book was sent to me in exchange for an honest review and is rated for 18+

*This review is cross-posted at Otakus and Geeks.

David, Patrick, and Li Ling have been a trio for years; with Patrick and Li Ling dating since high school. Two weeks before Valentine’s Day, Li Ling dumps Patrick and ends up in David’s bed. But Li Ling calls the next morning and she’s pregnant. Assuming Patrick will go back to her, David takes a job assignment out of town to drown his sorrows in work and random hookups. Will these friends turned lovers come together or is all hope lost?

What’s great about this book is having a collection of decent people. It is such a trope to have randomly bitchy or manipulative people in order to make the main characters look even better but here, the characters act SO rational, I almost didn’t believe it at times. I think I have gotten too used to massive irrationality in my love stories…

It’s also great to see a more multicultural cast. More stories need more non-white characters.

Now, I will freely admit I requested this title to review because, bacon. Bacon is amazing. So, my biggest gripe is that bacon wasn’t shamelessly crammed into the plot as much as possible. But that’s just because I’m silly. Other than that, my only other gripe is how some characters are too rational in some areas and not rational enough in others. David runs off without talking to Patrick AT ALL. He could have waited 10-20 minutes but then again, the rest of the book wouldn’t have happened.

All in all, this was a cute read! I enjoyed it and give it a 3.5 out of 5.

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