May Birchbox


It figures I’d get a wave spray when I start flat ironing my hair again. :p

The perfume is nice, I am happy with the primer and mascara but I am most excited about the firming cream. If you’ve been following my running, you’ll know I’ve been working out pretty hard and regularly. My body has been changing in a LOT of ways which include more muscle burning away the fat on my body. This has left me with some sagging skin. Not on Skin Tight levels, just enough for me to think “Huh, that wasn’t there before.” I’m not morphing into an overly vain person but I wouldn’t mind it not being there. I plan to give this a try and see how it works. I’ve used the Fat Girl Slim products and found them kinda meh but at that time, I wasn’t working out to the degree I am now. And yes, floppy skin is a concern from a health standpoint mostly; not just aesthetics.

I will review that in particular since it’s the product I have the most interest in and use for right now. Look out for that in the future.

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2 thoughts on “May Birchbox

  1. I love that wave spray! if nothing else, it smells great. 🙂 Clean brand fragrances are some of my favorites though, i bet you’ll love that! I’m also super curious about that mascara – does that say “Flocking” lashes?

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