Lenni Reviews: “Bettie Page” Vol. 1 by David Avallone

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*This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review and is recommended for older readers.

*This review is cross-posted to Otakus and Geeks.

In this collection of “secret diaries,” we follow our femme fetale, Bettie Page, as she dodges the cops, secret agents, and cult members all while trying to make a living as a model and movie star of B movies with aliens… All while helping beat the bad guys.

This book is a whole lot of cheese and I kinda love it for that. I am an absolute sucker for pin-up art and all the guest art and the comic itself is lovely to look at; even with the batshit crazy ideas. However, there’s this sensation of being in a glitter bomb; shiny, pretty, but confusing in all it’s bright colors and movement. At the end, I had to re-read it all because I didn’t remember what exactly happened. Gotta give it a 3 out of 5 for that but it sure is pretty.

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