Oh damnit!

I’m sick. That’s the first step to healing, right? Admitting you’re sick? Because usually I just work till I fall down. =_= If it’s bad enough that I actually consider not going to work, you know it’s bad. >_< But isn’t it nice for my co-workers to share their germs with me? :p

If I’m not too dizzy or coughing too much, I plan to hunker down in bed with my notebooks and netbook so I can still have an update this week for you guys. 🙁 I’m still having formatting issues with Create Space but it’s being handled by people who know much more about such things than I do. @_@ I’ll get there, don’t worry. I’m sure you guys are worried. XD

While Ma was in surgery (she’s totally fine), I worked on a Go Away Girls side story for a submission to an anthology. Let me tell you right now it really made me laugh to be sitting in a Catholic hospital writing erotic lesbian steampunk and reading a m/m romance. XD I lol’d. Hard.

Ok, right now, I need to concentrate on keeping the room from spinning to hard. I need to make it to 5 to justify the library keeping me on their payroll and then I can go home and fall down. O_o