September 2013 Brichbox


I will freely admit, this was another case of crazy squee-ing when I opened the box to see nail polish – the one beauty product I can consistently use with minimal fail. But of course there’s other things in there, too. XD

  • “Fox Hunt” from the Ruffian The Crowdsourced collection
  • Beauty Protect shampoo and conditioner
  • Soak rinse-free wash
  • Juice Beauty apple peel for sensitive skin

I’ll be honest, it’s cool that they  have household products but there is no way I can afford a tiny bottle of detergent at 14 oz. when I can make my own laundry detergent for pennies. It’s neat and all but I’m a librarian who writes on the side. I’m lucky I keep the lights on much less have high end soap of any kind.

The rest of this stuff is pending my experimentation to see if I like it or if it’s worth the prices. I’m not selling as many books these days. Gotta save cash wherever I can. 😉