Storm Damage – Pics from my slice of Irene

While Long Island wasn’t spared the in terms of damage, we were lucky. We lost power only for a day and the house withstood the storm. The streets however, were a mess.

I feel sorry for the trees. 🙁 I feel even more sorry for the power lines holding the one in that second picture up. To be fair, the lines kept the tree from falling on that house. 0.0

This was above my desk when I went back to work on Tuesday. My stuff was ok, thankfully. ^^

I’m almost glad Ma died before this could happen I know you can register with LIPA if you’re on oxygen and can’t be with out electric, but it still would have been scary. We would have had to evacuate and, seeing as how a power-surge caused a panel in the house to spew sparks and a boiler to catch fire, the house might have burned down if we weren’t there to take care of things.

In the continuing blitz to think about anything else but dealing with my life in general, I have several movie reviews on deck for you guys and I finished that fanfiction entry for Otakus and Geeks. I am working on Greenhouse at a pace that is positively inhuman and have a stack of submission guidelines to work on. I also have to work on some scripts for my go to cover artist to turn into comics.

And as an aside? Allow me to join the chorus of people in saying: Holy shit!! It’s September already!? o_O