Lenni Reviews: “Bayou” Vol. 2, by Jeremy Love


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Lee is traveling with the Bayou; a sort of swamp giant, looking for Brer Rabbit who may be able to help find her missing friend. But Stagolee, a ruthless killer, is hunting her.

This volume show more of the way the real world and the fantasy world Lee is in parallel each other. I found this follow up much better than the first one but unfortunately, there is no next installment. From what I could fine, there’s no volume 3 or anything about this series other than more people asking the same questions I am. I like this graphic novel but I hesitate to recommend it, especially if unfinished work bothers you. If you’re ok with that, I’d check this one out. It’s really good. 4 out of 5.

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Lenni Reviews: “Bayou” Vol. 1, by Jeremy Love


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In Mississippi in 1933, Lee Wagstaff’s white friend goes missing and her father is accused of kidnapping her. Lee goes in a surreal journey to find her friend and prove her father’s innocence.

This is an interesting concept; like Alice in Wonderland but with higher stakes, much more danger, and a lot more racism. the art style merges the real and fantastical really well and the characters are unique and I enjoyed following them. Lee’s adventures are fantastical and I do look forward to what happens next. 3.9 out of 5.

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