Lenni Reviews: “POS: Piece of Sh*t” by Pierre Paquet and Jesús Alonso Iglesias

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*This book was sent to me in exchange for an honest review and is suggested for older readers.

In this autobiographical story, we follow Pierre as he struggles to start a publishing company. His constant companion through the highs and lows, loves, and losses is a scraggly dog named Sonny.

The art in this memoir is beautiful and is perfect for it’s touching story. Pierre is trying to do things right but ends up making crappy choices; leaving him lonely in life overall. In a way this book and Angel Catbird have a great deal in common when it comes to the underlying message of how to treat our pets but instead of silly puns, we get a tear-jerking story of how our pets truly are our family and how their love impacts our lives. If you enjoy stories that touch your heart and involve our furry companions, you will enjoy this story of how one guy just tries to be less of a POS.

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