Wordless Wednesday

Image from my gallery here (or here). A sketch of Auris and Kizu from my novel.

And with the flick of a pen..

My stupid ass is back in debt again. 9_9

See, I’m not one of those "Good Debt, Bad Debt" sort of people. I’m just like my Ma: I hate owing anyone money, EVER. I pay my credit card balances in full, my bills when I get them in the mail (as long as I have the cash to do it) and I refrain from borrowing money flat out from friends or family. Just leads to trouble I do a great deal of preparation to avoid.

Today, we signed the papers for the mortgage to put the second floor on our house. A thirty year mortgage. I’ve never owed so much money for so long in my entire life. @_@ 

So, in my head I’m thinking fuck tendonitis, I need to write and crochet my little heart out to have books and needlework to sell to pay for all this and still have this second kid my uterus is screaming for. 9_9 I’ll be paying a mortgage and sending kids to college at the same time! WEE!!

For the luvva gods, somebody buy the books!! XD


So I’m sitting here, typing up my hard copy of Greenhouse and – I’m sure every writer says this at some point but – this sucks. Big time. Now, I knew this going to be a lot of work because this part of the hard copy I wrote during NaNoWriMo and it’s more brain vomit than polished prose but WOW.

It’s so bad, I’m not even THINKING of editing it right now. There’s just no point. Besides, in a certain mood, cleaning up and fleshing out scenes is really fun. Even the really difficult ones are like a puzzle and it gives me this great "ah HA" moment that’s completely worth the work. 🙂

That said, I better get back to it.