Progress Update!

Hanging around and not going to work has left me a lot of time for writing and editing. I have been cleaning (the garbage men must think I’m crazy) but I am making some great headway on getting another story up for sale. πŸ™‚

That’s pretty much all I’ve got for now. Cleaning, writing, editing… That’s just what life is right now.

I almost miss irate patrons… πŸ˜‰

Writer Wednesday – A Writing Update

Ahh, it’s such aΒ reliefΒ to not have to sit and worry about that driving test anymore. I’m also back to working out so things are really coming together. πŸ™‚

For a little bit, I’ve put Gods in the Grey City up for free for Prime members over on Kindle. For how long? I have no idea. It was random for me to decide to do this in the first place.

I have resumed editing of Greenhouse (the follow up to Dreamhunter) and I’m saving the short stories for next month where I once again attempt my personal Short Story Experiment 2012! πŸ˜€ The deal with that is to just finish as many short stories as I can within the month of November. Typed or written, doesn’t matter. I just wanna see if I can finish a bunch of stories given the proper motivation. ;D

That’s about all I’ve got today. Remember; if you’ve read or liked my work, please leave a review. I’ll post a bunch of comic con stuff when I get the pictures organized. πŸ˜‰

Writing Update

Where once I was concerned with keeping my stories short, I have spent the weekend battling with this anthology submission in order to get it to the minimum word count. In two very long days, I took the story from ~1,200 words to ~4,300 words. And I’m stopping there.

For me, this is another nuance in the lesson on giving up. There are times were you just have to stop. I also apply this concept to my sketching; there is a certain point in the process where you start to screw up the work while trying to fix it. At that point, it’s best to put the pen or pencil (or keyboard) down and step the hell away before you ruin it. I would rather be 700 words short and have a good story (that may be accepted on its own merit despite the word count) than make the word count and have a crappy story (that will either be rejected outright or the editor will ask me to cut it down).

After a final typo crawl, I will be sending this one in, hopefully tonight. As always, I will return to share my triumph or my crushing defeat. πŸ˜‰

However, there is no rest for the wicked. I have already brainstormed my next submission and I’m back to working with my steampunk gals, who I have missed terribly. No, I have not been editing the next First Brood book. You can yell at me if you want. I kinda deserve it. :p

Miss me?

While I was on bereavement leave from work, I sorta took leave from everything else as well. I mean, I cleaned, I wrote, I typed, but I needed alone time to process everything and get the ball rolling on all the legal crap that needs doing. Shit, being an adult sucks sometimes. :p

Please believe me when I say, in all honesty, I am doing ok. In fact, I dare say ‘fine.’ Ma was sick for a long time and now she is with her mother and her mother before her in peace.

The most harrowing part of this was having to deal with my family. I love them but I felt I was being babysat. I am not spun glass, I can take care of myself. I am the type who recharges with time alone and having them looking at me waiting for me to say something/cry/scream or what have you was making me manic. I love them, thanked them, then flat out BEGGED to be allowed to process the death of my mother in peace.

While I was home alone, I did a lot of reading and typing. I have a typed rough draft of Grey City ready for editing. πŸ™‚

For those who may not follow my Twitter feed, Ma passed on August 2; about 6 in the morning. She was 66 years old.



So I’m sitting here, typing up my hard copy of Greenhouse and – I’m sure every writer says this at some point but – this sucks. Big time. Now, I knew this going to be a lot of work because this part of the hard copy I wrote during NaNoWriMo and it’s more brain vomit than polished prose but WOW.

It’s so bad, I’m not even THINKING of editing it right now. There’s just no point. Besides, in a certain mood, cleaning up and fleshing out scenes is really fun. Even the really difficult ones are like a puzzle and it gives me this great "ah HA" moment that’s completely worth the work. πŸ™‚

That said, I better get back to it.

The stench of a job well done

I spent an entire day (Saturday to be exact) in front of the netbook getting aaalll of those edits done. And they are indeed done! Just a final grammar check then ZOOM!! Off to my agent person! πŸ˜€

While the grammar check happens (not by me, thank the gods), I’m back to work on the "Dreamhunter" sequel "Greenhouse" and back to my 250 word a day goal. With that in mind, I better get to work. πŸ˜‰

Naughty, naughty

Instead of writing, I’ve been editing trying to meet my deadline so I am fairly uncertain about tomorrow’s update.  ._. Nobody knows what the day will bring so I’m not backing out of it just yet.

So, my deep thoughts on being 29 (as I’m sure you are all chomping at the bit to hear them). When I think about what I’ve accomplished in 29 years, I really can’t say I’ve done a bad job. I have a good career, good kid, good husband, have set foot in at least 5 other countries, written two complete novels, and a bevy of short stories. I can’t complain. So, bring it on, 30. I look forward to it. ^_^

Gee, is there anything else I forgot to cover? *ponders*

Checking in!

I’ve gotten to the point where I had to flat out ask for a deadline. I was given till March 19th to have "Dreamhunter" all clean and pretty. πŸ™‚ Since given that date, I’ve completed about 10 pages of edits bringing me to page 117 of 250.

As to this week’s update, I’m not entirely sure what to post. The grand experiment "Djinn" or something new?

I call it the grand experiment cause I’m just having fun with it. No plan at all. No outline, nada. XD

I’d have more thoughts but editing really ate my brain. In fact, I think I gave myself a headache. o_O

Good night!