Lenni Reviews: “Higurashi: When They Cry” vol 14 by Ryukishi07 and Yutori Houjyou

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One by one, Shion takes revenge on those who hurt Satoshi. When Shion and Mion were born, one was destined to be a demon so Shion fully embraces the title; imprisoning her sister and going out of her way to make Keiichi paranoid and scared. But eventually, Shion will have to be stopped or stop herself from becoming a victim of the ‘curse’ herself.

So, it turns out the sisters were switched on the day when the next family head would be chosen – because they thought it would be funny – and the “wrong” twin got the demon tattoo and was groomed to be the heir to lead one day. From what I see, it’s this playing games with these kid’s heads in the first place that caused Shion to lose her damn mind. I’d feel bad for her bu tin the end, Shion/Mion was a murderer. It’s a shame she couldn’t just go off somewhere and have a normal life but whatever time loop thing is happening doesn’t seem like it will let anyone have a normal life. 3.7 out of 5.

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Lenni Reviews: “Higurashi: When They Cry” vol 13 by Ryukishi07 and Yutori Houjyou

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Driven to madness when she learns who may be behind Satoshi’s disappearance, Shion is out for vengeance; determined to expose the truth. Believing Keiichi will be the next to vanish, she sets him up as bait to catch whoever hurt Satoshi.

Shion is obviously broken hearted and after enduring an entire life of being a spare kid while her twin was groomed to be head of the family, it’s no wonder that hen her first bit of happiness is ripped from her by her family, Shion would lash out. Considering the entire town isn’t above murder, I can see Shion going to the lengths she has.

Also, as one of the big families, Rika is involved as well! The entire town is a bunch of murderous nuts using the curse as a cover for their illegal activities. It’s just a shame the kids pay the price for all this. But, it this series is anything, it’s unpredictable. I doubt the next volume will bring a conclusion in line with my thoughts. 4 out of 5.

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Lenni Reviews: “Higurashi: When They Cry” vol 12 by Ryukishi07 and Yutori Houjyou

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After Satoshi’s abusive aunt is murdered, Satoshi is, of course, the primary suspect. In order to protect him, Shion reveals she has been pretending to be her twin sister, Mion, this whole time. As a result, Shion is summoned to the head of the family for punishment; as she was never supposed to return to Hinamizawa. Despite taking her punishment, Satoshi still vanishes and Shion is heartbroken. Now, it’s 1983 and Keiichi comes to town.

Shion has gone mad with grief and is convinced Satoshi is still with her somehow. Now, with this backstory, I can understand why Shion is crazy and seriously pissed off. Her and Mion come in direct conflict with Mion trying to be loyal to the family and Shion demanding answers about the disappearance of the man she loves. We don’t get to know exactly what happened to him but Shion is NOT playing around. She sees Mion has even the barest interest in Keiichi and she’s using that to get as mean and dirty as her family was with her. I can’t want to see what happens next. 4 out of 5.

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Lenni Reviews: “Higurashi: When They Cry” vol 11 by Ryukishi07 and Yutori Houjyou

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Twins Shion and Mion Sonozaki have been raised separately in order to avoid infighting about who will be the next head of the family. But the girls managed to keep in contact and when Shion escapes her strict school to come home to Hinamizawa, she knows her sister well enough to impersonate her. While pretending to me Mion, Shion befriends Satoshi and develops a crush on him.

This volume goes back to 1982 before Sakoto’s older brother, Satoshi, “vanished.” He’s trying to get out of town to keep him and his little sister from being abused but apparently even thinking about leaving could invoke the infamous curse.

At this point, you’re not given any more of a clue as to what the curse is or isn’t. I’m glad to get Shion’s point of view on the Cotton Drifting arc but I’m not down with the rampant child abuse and neglect. Not fun to see.  But still an overall compelling series. 3.5 out of 5.

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