Today’s Workout: Takin’ it easy


I’m still hurting from NYCC so, walking was my workout for the day. I had a doctor’s appointment to go over the results of my last blood tests and while the lab did email me the results, it was good to hear the doctor go over them with me as she wasn’t as dire as I’d assumed looking at them myself.

My good cholesterol is fantastic but my bad cholesterol is creeping up which, since so many of my other numbers were so good (aside for some low vitamins), my doctor recommended I start taking omega-3 supplements. I used my lunch break to get myself a tuna sandwich (there’s a great place near my job that has a lemon tuna salad with no mayo and it’s delicious) and stop by the grocery store to pick up some sardines, mackerel, and salmon. I figure the pills will help but it’s always better to get nutrients from food instead.

Since I started Saxenda, I have been eating less fish because I’ve been eating less in general. Very often, lunch fills me up enough that I don’t feel the need for dinner. That means I’m not firing up the oven to bake any fish. Especially in the summer. The only other way I get fish is tuna in my salads; which I only buy when it’s on sale. Even the sardines and mackerel I bought were on sale.


Now, it’s been so long since I’ve eaten sardines, I didn’t put much in my salad for dinner in case my palate changed and they’re gross now. Luckily, this wasn’t the case and this was my dinner. That’s lemon pepper on there instead of straight up salt.

I portioned out another bit of this for lunch tomorrow and hopefully I’ll get back on my regular workouts after one more day of resting.

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Every so often, I think "Gee! I have <insert goal here>! I should blog about the journey! It’s gonna be so awesomesause!" And for some strange reason, I start a new damn blog. >.< Hence Becoming TSA Complaint. I’ll be leaving it up for posterity and because there’s some pretty amusing shit there; but should the mood strike me, I’ll post some bullshit about weight loss and body image here. Hey, I wanted to have more ideas to post here! Now you get to hear all about my body image issues and weight struggles!! Aren’t you just so damn excited!?! 😀

*crickets chirping*

Yeah, well… At least you don’t have to live it. XD