Maker Faire!


Last Saturday I went with my friend MisfitLibrarian to Maker Faire; a tech nerd’s paradise! 😀 It was really cool but alas, it would have been cooler if I could have brought the kiddo. There were so many stations where things could be assembled:


That’s me making a button. ^_^ One of the few stations not PACKED with people. @_@


I haven’t ridden in a school bus in… At least 15 years. 0.0 These were the “shuttles” going from the faire to the parking lot. It made me feel old… ;_;


But it was worth it because there was a man in a metro card suit with a robot metro card dog… A robot dog. Very awesome. 😀


The theme of the place was so techie, I was very disappointed to find this beer garden was not in fact some kind of garden powered by beer. That would have been too cool for words. Alas, they only sold beer.


This is why it would have been so awesome to get the kiddo here. These were butterfly bikes you could ride in!


And a giant felted t-rex… Because life needs more of those. 🙂

All in all, it’s a really cool place and I wouldn’t mind going back next year. Unfortunately? There is jack my library can do with any of the tech I saw. Sure, if we were a huge library with money to burn and unused space I could see having a maker center with kits and 3D printers and such. But us? We’re lucky we’re here after Sandy. I’m lucky to have a job!

Besides, if the library has any extra money, they need to buy that giant dinosaur.