My current list of WIP’s

Inspired by a conversation via Twitter with my friend at Flames and Flowers, here is a list of my current Works In Progress in order to really drive home the reason why I am so overwhelmed, I need to outline:

  1. Winter Boot: A short story which, compared to my other works, is fairly kid friendly. This is all plotted out but needs to be written.
  2. Go Away Girls: The Silver Slide: A novel length steampunk lesbian story starring these ladies. This novel is started but still in the starting phase.
  3. First Brood: Greenhouse: The sequel to Dreamhunter. This novel is about halfway done but needs a TON of editing.
  4. Dijinn story: another in this universe but is still in the brainstorm stage.
  5. Suicide Troopers: scripts for this comic I’m working on with my friend. This will be an ongoing project.
  6. Untitled sci-fi/fantasy m/f novel: This may be an erotic one. I’m not sure. This is still in the outlining stage.
  7. Untitled horror short story: I have two pages of this written and no plans whatsoever. I need to make them. >_<
  8. A list of erotic short story submission ideas about 12 deep as of today. I may get more soon. I just compile them for whenever I have a chance to work on that.
  9. Sketch practice so I can add more to my Deviant Art gallery, my Storm Artists gallery, and my Zazzle shop.

And I’m fairly certain there’s something I’m forgetting. Yes, I have a full time job, overtime, housework, and a 4 year old. Yes, I am clusterfuck crazy. Scary, isn’t it?

There was a time, when I was a younger gal, where I could mentally keep all this straight with only a few notes. But the worlds are getting so expansive with so much detail, I’ve had to use outlines to keep the parameters straight and make sure one world doesn’t seep into the other by mistake.

IĀ  have a writing planner AND I utilize Asana to keep on schedule with an ADDITIONAL daily alarm on my phone to ensure I meet (or TRY to meet) my daily goal of 4 pages a day. Sometimes I sit in bed, literally encircled by notebooks as I bounce from one story to another to get those 4 pages.

And somewhere in here, I’m supposed to lose 20 pounds and to a book challenge? Why do I get the feeling I’m setting myself up to fail here. 0.0

Back in the saddle…

I really did terrible things on Thanksgiving. Although I made healthy dishes, I still felt like I overdid it. To make up for it, I got on the Wii today and will really try to get on it for 30 minutes every day.

I have also been making my word goals! šŸ˜€ I am very excited about that last part because I am back to working on Greenhouse and progress there needed to be made. Badly. =_=

Since the night is young, and I am actually off on a Saturday where I don’t have a mountain of laundry climbing up the wall (how much clothing to these people need to wear!!??) I will stay up as late as these old bones will allow and type up the last two short stories I’ve finished. Tomorrow, I will work on that baby sweater that is straight up haunting my dreams at his point, and do more typing if time allows. šŸ™‚

It feels good to be this busy but to actually cross things off the to do list. šŸ˜‰



Emotional Fuckery: The Roller-coaster of a Sick Parent

I’ve been through all this before but still, it’s draining.

I spoke to my Mother’s doctor on Tuesday and he says what boils down to "She’s getting worse. I will be conferring with her oncologist as to continuing her treatment and the hospital will take care of any hospice arrangements." This sinks in for a couple days and after going to my Mother on Thursday evening and telling her she has a choice of chemo or waiting to die because there’s no chance of her getting better, the doctor comes and tells her she’ll be going home in a couple days with a home health aide. The difference being a home health aide isn’t waiting for you to die.

So in the last week I’ve been intimately equated with why the phrase "roller-coaster of emotions" is a cliche. It fits. Holly hell, man. I am tired inside and out. When I sleep, I don’t dream (that I can remember) and at my best moments, I’m able to eat. But I put one foot in front of the other, keep working and keep writing.

Since things change every day (Hour? Minute?), I’m hesitant to even say she’s recovering from the shingles so she’ll be coming home "in a few days" with an aide. Honestly? I have not been reading anyone’s journals or stories or anything (even though I’ve really wanted to). I’m taking it one day at a time.

Oh look, another cliche! Urrgghhh.. >_<

But I’m still writing and working to get my Zazzle shop filled with things and infect Amazon with my madness. :p I’m muddling through. That’s the best way I can put it. I’ll do my best to be involved but if my eyes glaze over, cut me some slack. šŸ˜‰

Because my brain demanded it

Will it be successful? Probably not. Will stick with it? Probably not. Will it make anyone other than me laugh? Probably not.

But I’m doing it anyway. XD

I’m one of the few who would prefer a pat down to a scan, (I have two direct relatives with cancer) but do not relish the feeling of hands sliding over my rolls of fatness, here is my blog on how I will become more TSA compliant.

Because, it’s good to have a goal. XD

In other news, The Short Story Project is still on only I’m including scripts in what qualifies as "short story." So far, what seems to have happened is the idea of the project has kept me writing a few lines every day and brainstorming new ones all the time. Heck, I had three ideas for scripts yesterday in a 5 minute span! That felt awesome. So, even if I don’t finish another story, in that, this experiment was a complete success! šŸ˜€