Maximum Pimpage

Just in case you haven’t checked out the site lately, there are some Amazon Affiliate boxes on the main page along with some adspace. Searching and buying from Amazon via my site or clicking on the ads will give me a few pennies towards paying the bills and keeping the site running. ^_^ Buying books or Zazzle swag helps, too. Domains are expensive. :p

Zazzle shop!!

Every once in a while, I draw something too cute to keep to myself. So I’m sharing it. XD

Here’s a link to my Zazzle shop for ATQM. I’ll be adding to it periodically but for now, there’s a bunch of merchandise featuring my Vampire Cupcake. I sketched him out and  did the coloring for me. See her Zazzle store here.

So, there’s one of my goals or 2011 right there: open a Zazzle shop. I am entirely too pleased with this and I’m doing my level best not to buy anything.

On the writing front, I’m still working on that thriller entry. I had a great idea which is germinating in my brainmeats. Today, I seem to have Gods in the Grey City and Greenhouse beating on each other for attention. I’ll probably work on them both just to make sure they don’t kill one another. XD

As you can see, it’s been very busy in Lenni’s brain. I also owe you guys a review of Peach Girl, which I finished watching last night. I’ll get to that. Promise. 😉