
Every so often, I think "Gee! I have <insert goal here>! I should blog about the journey! It’s gonna be so awesomesause!" And for some strange reason, I start a new damn blog. >.< Hence Becoming TSA Complaint. I’ll be leaving it up for posterity and because there’s some pretty amusing shit there; but should the mood strike me, I’ll post some bullshit about weight loss and body image here. Hey, I wanted to have more ideas to post here! Now you get to hear all about my body image issues and weight struggles!! Aren’t you just so damn excited!?! 😀

*crickets chirping*

Yeah, well… At least you don’t have to live it. XD

Because my brain demanded it

Will it be successful? Probably not. Will stick with it? Probably not. Will it make anyone other than me laugh? Probably not.

But I’m doing it anyway. XD

I’m one of the few who would prefer a pat down to a scan, (I have two direct relatives with cancer) but do not relish the feeling of hands sliding over my rolls of fatness, here is my blog on how I will become more TSA compliant.

Because, it’s good to have a goal. XD

In other news, The Short Story Project is still on only I’m including scripts in what qualifies as "short story." So far, what seems to have happened is the idea of the project has kept me writing a few lines every day and brainstorming new ones all the time. Heck, I had three ideas for scripts yesterday in a 5 minute span! That felt awesome. So, even if I don’t finish another story, in that, this experiment was a complete success! 😀