Smashwords Sale!


From March 5, 2023 – March 11, 2023, some of my books will be on sale at Smashwords! Click the link and thank you for checking them out!

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Oh, Amazon thinks they’re funny…

This morning, I wake up to this lovely email:

Amazon blocked your book titled Fruit of the Dead – Season One: Episode One stating they found it freely available on the web.

They are asking for proof of rights, rights reversion letters, or contractual statements showing you have the complete rights to this work. As part of the sign up to add content to Amazon through this site, you were notified that no portion of your book can be posted freely available online, as it causes Amazon to question the copyrights. I will include Amazon’s email below for you to read through.
Amazon only gives us a few days to comply with these requests. Please immediately respond to this email with any documentation you have available as proof of copyrights and confirmation that the content posted on belongs exclusively to you. You will need to sign (physically sign) and send us a form that states this that we can forward to Amazon. 
This is some bullshit because Simily, while offering 4 free stories for a user to read, is a paid subscription site. Meaning my story is NOT freely available and I’ve made more money from Simily in the last month than I have from Amazon. My only reply was to say Simily isn’t a free site and that’s it. They can take their documentation and shove it.
If they decide to be a giant fucking bully and pull my books, I will have no fucking problem selling the digital copies direct from my blog. I’ve been thinking about putting a store on here for awhile and every day we find out how shitty Amazon and Jeff Bezos are. I’ve been actively shopping at alternative places and I only buy from Amazon if I have no other choice and I get gift cards from Swagbucks or any other of my points sites. I’ve had ethical debates in my head of having my books on there at all because I dislike them so much. So, not that they will give a shit, but I don’t care if Amazon pulls my stuff. Call my bluff, guys. Ya’ll won’t miss me anyway!

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Operation Free Booga Update!

Hey! Remember when I said I was going to keep from buying or downloading so many books because I was down to 600 MB of space left on my Kindle?

Heh… Good times…

I’m down to about 300 with 20 pending downloads waiting for me to turn the wifi back on. I have a backlog of 40 books to review.

Well… I guess I should make more effort into trying to read on the treadmill but since I’m jogging, I can’t really focus properly. And I’ve already read books about speed reading. I still end up reading at my regular pace; which to be fair is pretty fast.

I just need to stop signing up for all these cool author newsletters… Cause then they send me free books…

It’s a terrible cycle…

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Operation Free Booga Update: Oops

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Yeah, I have a book problem…

Between some awesome free book offerings and some very interesting titles coming down the pipe, Booga is back to being too full.

But on the plus side, that means there are some kickass reviews on the way! I will have to read these pretty fast but expect them within the month, for sure.

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Operation Free Booga Update!

After organizing more of my ebooks, I found so many that either repeat their message or I don’t need to store on my kindle. I moved them to my Kindle Fire and deleted them but I also bought a few things…

Now I have 720 MB left on Booga. It’s functioning ok but I’ve turned my focus to the 16 ebooks I need to review for the blog. You can see my progress over on Goodreads and I hope to have these reviews up really soon.

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Lenni Reviews: “Relative Best” by Pat Henshaw

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*I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

*This review is cross posted at Otakus and Geeks.

Zeke Bandy believes life’s too busy for love. He runs a historical hotel and sings two nights a week at a local saloon. Vic Longbow is in town involved in opening a branch of a brokerage firm and looking for some photos of his Native American ancestor. When they meet, Zeke and Vic discover they have a lot in common and friendship becomes more than they are prepared for.

I wanted to like this more but this was a pretty bland little story. Characters are tossed at you without enough detail so aside for out main beaus, you don’t get to know anyone. As a result, the drama in the book falls flat since they’re all strangers. Also, this is a pretty tame m/m romance. Other than hold each other and kiss, Zeke and Vic have a PG-13 relationship; so if that’s what you’re after with this book, you will be disappointed.

This is the 5th in a series of books from A Foothills Pride series and I don’t know if this story is better or worse than the others but it can be read as a standalone novella. At only 80 pages it’s wobbly on it’s own feet, but perhaps this premise would benefit from a longer book. As it is, the whole thing meanders to the conclusion without any real impact. I give it a 2.7 out of 5 for it’s competency as a written work even if it was flat.

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Lenni Reviews: “Dark Knight in Disguise, the Prequel (Earthbound Angels .5)” by Sandra Ross

(Image Source)

**I purchased this book for free from Barnes and Noble.

Erick Angell wakes up with no memories of he came to be alone in a room with a stranger who gives him this new name. After disobeying God, his wings are clipped and he’s now human. His punishment is meant to teach him compassion and learn his ‘special calling.’

Something is very basic about this. It’s like a fanfic romance. God banishes Erick Angell (with two l’s; GET IT!!!??) with all the perfect documents and enough money to buy a castle? Hire a decorator? Buy fancy furniture?

Aside for being human, how is this a punishment?

The writing and general story are so generic and boring I have zero interest in what happens to this guy. He gives me some serious Edward Cullen vibes: some rich, perfectly chiseled empty vessel for someone to drape themselves over. I’d hate his personality, but he didn’t have one. I really struggled to find a number for this tiny bit of fluffy nonsense (gods, I sound like a pretentious bitch) but I guess I’ll have to say a 2. Absolutely forgettable and uninspired.

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Operation Free Booga Update!

If you follow me over on Goodreads, you may have noticed a flurry of books moving over to my ‘read’ shelf. That’s because I went through my various collections and read then deleted a bunch of books. When I started to notice I’d gotten a bunch of books that all essentially say the same thing (or some ‘Writing 101 books?!’ I don’t think I need those…) so I just tossed them entirely. The result?


And that’s AFTER I put the WiFi back on and the 50 books pending downloaded!

Obviously I have a ways to go but now I’m focusing on the books on my list to review. That’s about 10 ebooks and you-don’t-wanna-know-how-many physical books. But I’m feeling pretty gosh darned accomplished! If this keeps up, I’ll have a nice clean kindle in a few months!

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