New Release! “Go Away Girls: Vanished”

Go Away Girls - Vanished

The third installment in the Go Away Girls series is now live! Click here to buy or check out my shop here on the blog! This one was a bit of a struggle as it was my Camp NaNoWriMo project but I think it turned out pretty good!

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Cover Reveal! “Go Away Girls: Vanished”

Go Away Girls - Vanished

The third book in my Go Away Girls series is almost finished! It’s way overdue and I think it turned out pretty cool. Here’s what I’m considering as my blurb:

In the aftermath of the epidemic of the drug ‘Flight,’ Katherine and Audrey were hoping for things to go back to normal. However, some of Audrey’s fellow members of the Temple of the Great Mother have not been in contact and several prostitutes have gone missing from brothels in Trixa. Katherine and her friends work to hunt down the kidnappers and bring the missing people home.

This book/series features LGBTQ+ and BIPOC characters. I am hoping for this book to be done in the next couple days and of course, I’ll update when it’s live!

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August 2023 Writing Update


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I am picking at the edits for the next Go Away Girls book that I’ve decided to settle on calling “Vanished” (unless I hit on something better in the editing process). There’s a bunch of stuff I put in the outline that didn’t make it into the first rough draft that I feel will make the story much better so, I’m working on ironing out what I did get down before I start including that stuff.

“Vanished” will be the third book in the series. You can check out the first one here or here (contains adult material, be 18+ to read), or check out a different one of my lesbian fantasy stories here, here, here, or here.

Hope you’ll check them out and I’ll hopefully be updating again soon!

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Lenni Reviews: “Levius/est” Vol. 10, by Haruhisa Nakata

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*This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review.

It’s Levius versus Arthur battle in an underground arena where the secrets behind MMA are exposed.

While the action is cool, I got confused when it came to the MMA and the heart and what the steam is. I was just coasting through the volume without much investment. When I have time, I may go back and start the series from the beginning and see if I change my mind but the ending left me feeling neutral about the whole thing. My lasting impression wasn’t deep enough for me to say much about it when it came to writing down my thoughts for a review. Not a bad series overall, though, 3 out of 5.

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Lenni Reviews: “No Guns Life” Vol. 8, by Tasuku Karasuma


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*This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review.

While Juzo is still recovering, this volume gives us more information on Tetsuro, Harmony, and The Beruhren via some inside informants. There’s a new Harmony prototype in the works and despite not having his core, Juzo plans to rescue Victor from a weapons vault called Wunder Bender.

In addition to the main story; that gets creepy but I won’t spoil why, there is an extra of Juzo helping his landlord out of a jam and with all the heavy things going on, it was nice to have a bit a levity with that story. I would like to see all these plot threads become more cohesive. I found myself getting a bit lost wondering who’s conspiring against who and why. But still good! 3.9 out of 5.

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Lenni Reviews: “Levius/est” Vol. 6 by Haruhisa Nakata

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*This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review.

After Natalia’s bout, it takes four superior fighters to subdue Balthus and clear the field for the main event, the last day of The Southern Slam: Oliver vs Levius in a fight to the death.

Adding an extra edge to the fight, this is also Oliver’s retirement match and being one of the longest active fighters ever, Levius isn’t going to have many fans in the crowd. There’s also the introduction of the legend of an ancient god called Est, who came to Earth during the Blood Moon; which happens to be the day of the match.

I had a feeling this volume would end on a cliffhanger but it’s not the type that feels like a punch in the gut. I felt excited to get the next one and willing to wait and glad to re-read this one for more details. This volume has the perfect mix of action and plot but what makes me concerned is it is a fight to the death. Is this going to drag out too far or paced as well as it has been so far? We shall see but this volume is a 5 out of 5 for me.

Lenni Reviews: “The Grand Dark” by Richard Kadrey

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*This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review.

Largo Moorden works as a bike courier and lives a life of sex, drugs, and indulgence with his actor girlfriend Remy. But when people start disappearing and there is talk of war, Largo finds himself mixed up in a strange and twisted conspiracy.

After I finished this book, I had to look at what other people were saying to see if my feelings that the slow-moving pace of this book is borderline unbearable. I did find many people simply gave up and I can see why. Things don’t really start ramping up in action until the 58% mark. Relevant details and world-building do happen but it’s peppered with Largo’s day to day life and his drug addiction, theatre friends, and job. It’s written well; you get the feeling of this decadent behavior in a city very segregated by wealth but it takes so long to get to the meat of the matter. If you’re willing to put in the work, the payoff is pretty good. If not, you’ll end up quitting. 2.9 out of 5.

Lenni Reviews: “Levius/est” Vol. 5 by Haruhisa Nakata

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*This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review.

In his volume we have more Natalia versus Balthus with more interference by the horrid Dr. Clown. There’s amazing action and amazing use of the unique steam-powered tech the fighters use. And I really enjoy Natalia as a character.

But Dr. Clown Jack Pudding needs to be pushed off a bridge. What he pulled with Balthys and his sister is messed up and my priority in this series now is to see him get a fantastical comeuppance. I won’t spoil anything but he seriously needs to get his ass kicked all over their stadium. But still, this series is awesome. Very exciting. 4.5 out of 5.

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Lenni Reviews: “Levius/est” Vol. 4 by Haruhisa Nakata

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*This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review.

The Southern Slam begins and not only is Levius in a tough fight, Natalia is scheduled to battle Balthus Langdon – an event clearly orchestrated by “Dr. Clown” as a way to manipulate and hurt Levius.

Like the previous volumes, the drama is great and the action is well done but the end of this volume is a MAJOR cliffhanger. You know how sometimes a cliffhanger will get you hyped for the next story? This one made me lean back and go “Oh, fuck you for doing that!” I mean I want to know what happens of course but there’s a part of me that’s bitter over how sharp the stop was. Not that I’m familiar with The Sopranos, but I know of the infamous ending and this book felt like that. I still love this series so I’ll be waiting for the next one. 4.5 out of 5.

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