Lenni Reviews: “No Guns Life” Vol. 8, by Tasuku Karasuma


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*This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review.

While Juzo is still recovering, this volume gives us more information on Tetsuro, Harmony, and The Beruhren via some inside informants. There’s a new Harmony prototype in the works and despite not having his core, Juzo plans to rescue Victor from a weapons vault called Wunder Bender.

In addition to the main story; that gets creepy but I won’t spoil why, there is an extra of Juzo helping his landlord out of a jam and with all the heavy things going on, it was nice to have a bit a levity with that story. I would like to see all these plot threads become more cohesive. I found myself getting a bit lost wondering who’s conspiring against who and why. But still good! 3.9 out of 5.

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