Total Site Revamp!

There were some really strange glitches and spam links showing up on my site so I finally just bit the bullet and revamped the whole thing. I hope it runs smoothly and please let me know if there are any broken links. The link is in my sidebar but you can also click here.

If you’ll notice, the preview chapters are gone and my store is now linked to a different site; which will be explained in more detail in a future post once I get more stuff posted in it. Eventually, if the site gets more hits and I sell more books, I’ll be making pages with character profiles, fan art; you name it.

But in addition to the new site, I’ve been working so hard on new writing, new needlework, and even more reviews. My popularity can be a burden when it comes to reviews but hey, it is what it is. 🙂 All it does is show me that while writing and reading are my passions, treating it all like a business is paying off!

And there’s no stopping me now! 😀

Zazzle shop!!

Every once in a while, I draw something too cute to keep to myself. So I’m sharing it. XD

Here’s a link to my Zazzle shop for ATQM. I’ll be adding to it periodically but for now, there’s a bunch of merchandise featuring my Vampire Cupcake. I sketched him out and  did the coloring for me. See her Zazzle store here.

So, there’s one of my goals or 2011 right there: open a Zazzle shop. I am entirely too pleased with this and I’m doing my level best not to buy anything.

On the writing front, I’m still working on that thriller entry. I had a great idea which is germinating in my brainmeats. Today, I seem to have Gods in the Grey City and Greenhouse beating on each other for attention. I’ll probably work on them both just to make sure they don’t kill one another. XD

As you can see, it’s been very busy in Lenni’s brain. I also owe you guys a review of Peach Girl, which I finished watching last night. I’ll get to that. Promise. 😉

Advice of the day and Super Shortie Saturday

I LOVE Jeff Somers’ books. I got lucky enough to meet him quite by chance at NY Comic Con last year when I had no clue what he looked like. The exchange went something like this:

Me (with fangirlish glee): YOU wrote The Electric Church!!
Mr. Somers (in fear and quite ready to flee from me): Yeeesss…
Me: I LOVE that book!!
Mr. Somers (in very obvious relief): Oh, thank you. That’s great! Here, let me sign that copy for you.

And he did.

This is relevant because I wanted to share this video when Mr. Somers responds to an question about his writing process (which is a question I am often asked and think he has the best response):

I really enjoy what he says about word counts and having the best intentions for the day. I’m not giving up on my word goals but I’m not going to be as hard on myself if I don’t quite make it. But I’m sticking to my guns about cheap RED wine and not cheap white wine. White wine feels like nail polish remover on my tongue.

No, I have not deliberately tasted nail polish remover. I just stupidly put my finger near my mouth after cleaning off my nails.

Now, I’m not sure who’s luckier: Him, who get’s to write all day, or me, who get’s to see all these awesome books coming into the library all day and write whenever there’s a quiet moment to be had… I think I have to say me cause my job sends me to conventions and expos where I get advance copies of certain crazy author’s books. XD

For this week’s shortie? A snippet from the Dreamhunter sequel, Greenhouse:

Raquel smiled. "You don’t know what love feels like, huh?"
"Right to the point as always." Darjeeling grumbled, her cheeks turning the red that was once her hair.
"It’s warm." Raquel held her friend’s chin in one hand while applying muddy gel to Darjeeling’s eyebrows with the other. "You feel an overwhelming warmth when you look at them. You start to see them as brand new again, like they’re a fabulous stranger. If you don’t see them, it shocks you to your core." She smirked at Darjeeling’s bewildered expression." Sound familiar?"

Now, I’m off to do whatever I can while I’m at Dayjob. Tomorrow is Get New Shoes For Monkeygirl and Work On Website day. This clueless author finally figured out what was wrong with the root directory that was making the old page come up instead of the new one. Lookit me, lernin shit.


I’m having one of those spells where I spend more time staring at the wall than writing. I crank out a couple choice sentences and then nada.

I’m sure my inspiration will strike at a completely inopportune time. Until then, I suppose I’ll keep editing and typing up what I’ve written. Somehow, typing up what I’ve written always shakes something loose.

And don’t ask me how the website is coming along. I’ll get there. :p

“Djinn” and Book Expo

I finished episode one of "Djinn" tonight! I’ve been really pleased with my progress these days. The words just keep coming and they’re pretty good even pre-editing! 😀 

Tomorrow, I will be updating on schedule after I make sure there aren’t any glaring typos. Then I’ll be looking at layouts to see if I can get something a little cleaner and more "author like." No offense to my awesome pink and purple swirl but pink on black wears on the eyes after awhile. And I spend a lot of time staring at computer screens, I know what I’m sayin here.

One of the awesome things about having a day job in addition to writing is the library will send me to places like Book Expo. There were publishers, authors, and exhibitors, oh my! I came back with so much swag, there are bruises from where the bag cut into my shoulder. I’m still going through it all but I have some great information on marketing websites and connecting with other writers who are on the same route I’m taking. I gotta say, the thought of having some other authors here and reading my stuff is kinda awesome. Unless they tell me I suck, then not so much.

Since my representation has told me Dreamhunter will be available to order in the next week or so, I’ll be removing the chapters and putting up a preview instead. It’s this that’s got me wondering about other site layouts, ya dig?

I got a little more work to do before I pack it in for the night (and my hands are starting to get mad at me for the typing) so, off I go. Till tomorrow, kids!


I’m changing my update schedule. Here’s why.

I was sent this by a good friend of mine (name withheld till I know it’s cool with her to mention it) and it got me thinking a couple things:

One: Ha! Perhaps I’m in the wrong genre and I should start churning out massive amounts of erotica. That’ll be interesting to explain to my mother now and my kid later. XD

Two: Since I have so many ideas in my head and I want my site to be a success, I want to make sure it’s the best stuff possible. No more discovering typos after the fact. Well, that’s probably gonna happen anyway but lest often now. XD I want the updates to be longer ad more detailed so I’m changing the updates to every other week unless I get pretty darn ambitious. I want the site to be as professional as a snarky bitch like me can get it. Do I need to be as popular as Zane ever? Not particularly. Couldn’t hurt. 😉 But let’s not count chickens, yes?

I’ll do a better job of keeping this journal updated as well. But for now, I’m off to write! Latahz!