“Djinn” and Book Expo

I finished episode one of "Djinn" tonight! I’ve been really pleased with my progress these days. The words just keep coming and they’re pretty good even pre-editing! šŸ˜€ 

Tomorrow, I will be updating on schedule after I make sure there aren’t any glaring typos. Then I’ll be looking at layouts to see if I can get something a little cleaner and more "author like." No offense to my awesome pink and purple swirl but pink on black wears on the eyes after awhile. And I spend a lot of time staring at computer screens, I know what I’m sayin here.

One of the awesome things about having a day job in addition to writing is the library will send me to places like Book Expo. There were publishers, authors, and exhibitors, oh my! I came back with so much swag, there are bruises from where the bag cut into my shoulder. I’m still going through it all but I have some great information on marketing websites and connecting with other writers who are on the same route I’m taking. I gotta say, the thought of having some other authors here and reading my stuff is kinda awesome. Unless they tell me I suck, then not so much.

Since my representation has told me Dreamhunter will be available to order in the next week or so, I’ll be removing the chapters and putting up a preview instead. It’s this that’s got me wondering about other site layouts, ya dig?

I got a little more work to do before I pack it in for the night (and my hands are starting to get mad at me for the typing) so, off I go. Till tomorrow, kids!

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