Lenni Reviews: “Rainbow Gap” by Lee Lynch

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*This book was sent to me in exchange for an honest review and is rated 18+

*This review is cross-posted to Otakus and Geeks.

This sweeping novel follows Jaudon Vicker and Berry Garland’s relationship over the course of 15 years. Set in Florida during the 1950’s and 1960’s, the book starts from their childhood when the classically girly girl Berry protects the boyish Jaudon from bullying classmates. We are along on their journey through college, Vietnam, even the budding LGBT community all while they stay bonded in a deep and powerful relationship.

You can feel in every word how much love was put into this book. The setting is real enough that you feel transported back in time and the level of detail becomes hypnotic. However, this book also gets bogged down in those details and the actual story slows to a crawl. When the plot moves, dear gods this book is beautiful. Otherwise, you feel every inch of those 342 pages. It’s worth it though to get the full impact of Jaudon and Berry’s journey. 3.9 out of 5.

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